Tillandsia (air plants)
Tillandsia is a genus of plants from the Bromeliad family. These plants are also called air plants. These unique plants often have no roots or very small roots (which are only used to cling to other trees or plants). However, not all Tillandsia plants are air plants, because some also need soil to live and grow. We, at Corsa Plant, do grow exclusively Tillandsia plants that do not need soil (air plants).
The plants are mainly found in Central and South America. Here they can live from the humidity in the air. In Europe this humidity is less and the Tillandsia plants therefore need (fairly minimal) care. More information regarding Tillandsia care can be found on
this page. If you want more general information about air plants, you can go here.
There are over 500 different species of Tillandsia, how cool is that! In our webshop we have more than 50 air plants available. Here you can find them clearly (prices are visible when logged in). This webshop is for wholesale only, where a minimum order size of 100 euros applies. We deliver throughout Europe. If you want to make a smaller purchase as a consumer, you can visit
www.corsaplant.com to see where our air plants are for sale at the moment. You can also find a lot of information here about all the air plant varieties we carry.
Air plants can be used in many ways and bring you a piece of green happiness. For inspirations with the air plants, you can always take a look at our instagram, or this page, or on Corsa’s informative website mentioned above.